
Routine Eye Exams & More in Batavia, NY

With over 25 years of experience in the optometry field, Dr. Bob and the staff at Council Opticians of Batavia are here to care for all your vision needs. From routine eye exams to monitor eye conditions and potential infections to ensuring your eyeglasses are fitted and adjusted for a comfortable wear.

We welcome you to contact our Batavia, NY office to schedule an appointment! Feel free to stop in to browse our selection of designer eyeglasses, frames, and sunglasses.

Comprehensive Routine Eye Exams
Including monitoring eye conditions for example: cataract, glaucoma, macular degeneration

Hands on Refractions

Medical Eye Exams
such as minor corneal injury/ floaters / infections

Diabetic Eye Exam

Optos Retinal Imaging

OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography)

Visual Field Testing

Proper Glasses Fitting, Adjustment and Repair

In Office Edging
of most single vision and bi-focal lenses

We Can Help with Macular Degeneration

If you start to notice any unusual changes with your vision or it has been a while since your last visit to an eye doctor, be sure to schedule an appointment for an eye exam at your earliest convenience. Sadly like other parts of the human body, eyes can decline. One particular issue that frequently occurs is macular degeneration. Macular degeneration is a disease that blurs vision. However, as time progresses and macular degeneration is left untreated, complete vision loss can occur. Individuals with the disease can lose their vision within as few as ten years.

With an eye exam at Council Opticians, we can pinpoint the signs of the macular degeneration. If our eye doctor detects any sign of the disease in your eyes, we can go over a treatment plan with you and help prevent the disease from progressing. Be sure to schedule your appointment, protect your vision, and give us a call today.

Contact Us Today to Schedule an Eye Exam!

Eye diseases such as macular degeneration can go unnoticed for years and only worsen if left untreated. That is why routine eye exams are so important. Scheduling an annual exam will allow optometrists to detect eye diseases in the early stages, so they create a treatment plan to prevent vision loss.

Our eyes are constantly changing, and along with detecting eye diseases, an optometrist will also ensure you see clearly. If your vision is a little blurry or you find yourself straining when trying to read or focus, we can also provide you with contact lenses or eyeglasses. We will go through the pros and cons of each and help you select the best option for you based on your needs and your lifestyle. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment. We proudly offer eye exams to those in Batavia, NY and the surrounding areas.